Analisa Leaming


actor. singer. seeker. risk-taker. soulful coach. creator. sacred space creator. mother.

Whether you’re looking for the performer or coach, you’re in the right place.

Much love, Analisa

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Ready to walk into your next audition like a star?

Grab my free 10-minute guided meditation to tap into your creative power with calm, clarity, and confidence, and shine your light - every single time.

(No more beta blockers before walking into Telsey! Instead, find the force within.)

Take the first step toward your next great audition

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    A Balancing Act

    Analisa is the creator and host of A Balancing Act, a podcast designed to support artists mentally, emotionally and spiritually as they pursue their dreams.

    The focus is on sharing conscious, uplifting, inspiring conversation around a life in the arts.

    All seasons are available on iTunes here.

    New episodes coming soon!

    Behind The Scenes

    Follow Analisa on Instagram @AnalisaLeaming